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Today we went to the forest eager to see what happened to the river that we have been enjoying. So much swimming, rock skipping, and fishing with sticks was enjoyed over the Summer & Autumn Seasons. It has been a slow start to Winter, yet overnight it got COLD! With single digits last night, my 5yo was excited to see ICE at the forest!

WOW - it was so exciting! You can not hear the giddy screams of "ICE"! We tried to pick up sticks frozen in the ground. Threw large ice chunks to see them break. Then we went to the river, and it was beautiful!

The River had been very dry all summer and Autumn. Last week we had rain that filled the river. We were able to do some 'boot skating' (term created by my 5yo), cracking the ice, see the water running under the ice, toss rocks to hear them break and skid on ice... it was endless fun of exploring our winter forest!

We are excited for the coming weeks, with Ice and hopefully SNOW! Please join us!

~See you in the forest