Our friends over at Outdoor Families Magazine recently celebrated their one year anniversary, and what a reason to celebrate. OFM brings families and mindful living front and center to the world of outdoor adventure. You'll find articles all about enjoying the outdoors, taking on family adventures and caring for our planet - with recipes to boot. We're grateful for the stories they tell and the inspiration they spread.
5 Favorite Outdoor Posts
Want to explore some of what they offer? Here are five of our favorite Outdoor Families Magazine posts about families in the outdoors. And, of course, how could we not be excited about the piece Forest School For All's Sabrina wrote for OFM about Forest Schools: Education in the Great Outdoors.
01. Sharing Memories as Gifts: Treasures to Last a Lifetime
Create a childhood full of memories and experiences which families can cherish forever. Be inspired to focus on family connectivity and meaningful activities to fill your days. Full article here.
02. The Importance of Covering Mirrors: Being Beautiful in Nature
Spending time outdoors can offer something deeply special - the ability to live without concern for how we look. Learn more about one family as they celebrate time without mirrors. Full article here.
03. Four Fun Ways to Help Kids Become Stewards of Nature
Want to do more than be in and benefit from nature? Want to give back and help protect it? Here are ideas for raising eco-friendly children. Full article here.
04. My Outdoor Family Series
Meet families who love and enjoy the outdoors. Find out what makes their family an "outdoor family". You can start reading one of many here.
05. Eco-Friendly Gifting for Outdoor Families
Gift giving with values. Encourage outdoor appreciation and exploration with these gifts that keep on giving. Full article here.
To mark their one year anniversary, Outdoor Families Magazine offers an exciting giveaway. Join the OFM mailing list before February 1, 2016 and you'll automatically be entered to win a six-night family trip to Mexico. Learn all about the prize details, and enter here: Sand and Surf Family Adventure Giveaway.
Thanks, OFM for a great first year. We look forward to all that's to come!