[category lehighpa]

Join families exploring the forest in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania!

Expect a pace and rhythm of the children that attend, through unstructured, free play. Watch as the benefits, the magic, and fun of playing in the forest unfolds!

WEATHER: 65 degrees & scattered showers

LEADER: Meagan - email: meaganlehigh(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com and Anne - email: annelehigh(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com

LOCATION: 1375 Lehnert Rd, Whitehall, PA
Note: Jordan Creek Parkway - the parking lot near the tennis courts. Meet by the picnic table beyond the parking lot. Be prepared for mud - bring a towel and a change of clothes!

What to bring and what to wear tips!

Other frequently asked questions!

See you in the forest
~Anne and Meagan



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