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Join families exploring the forest in Ossining, New York! Expect a pace and rhythm of the children that attend, through unstructured, free play. Watch as the benefits, the magic, and fun of playing in the forest unfold!

WEATHER: 55 and partly sunny

LEADERS: Orm - email: Nessarawestchester(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com

Becca - email: Beccawestchester(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com

LOCATION: Kitchawan Preserve - where Pinesbridge Rd intersects Rt 134, in Ossining. Note: Parking is limited. Please be considerate and park as closely together as possible to make room for other cars. Walk into the park about 200 feet down the trail to meet (entrance has a gate across it). We like to play in the creek, so be prepared to get wet!

Make the most of spring showers by embracing the mud!

What to bring and what to wear tips!

Other frequently asked questions!

See you in the forest~

~Nessara (Orm) and Becca


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