This Sunday, March 20, is the first day of spring, and with it comes the spring equinox. This equinox is one of the days of the year where the amount of sunlight and darkness are equal. After this, days will begin to lengthen and nights will begin to shorten. The day is balanced. And it also signifies a new start to the season, to the earth cycle and to our lives. So while you kickoff spring, here are some ways to celebrate the earth and the sun doing their thing.
01. Outdoor Yoga
No better way to find balance on the day of balance than with a little yoga. Your family can roll out your mats and practice sun salutations, tree poses, tandem poses, anything that resonates with you and a sense of spring. New to yoga? Pick up a book or join a class to find zen and a little reflection with your children.
Boost the Concept: Let your children know that while they stand balanced, so too do the earth and sun today.
02. Plant Seeds
Planting seeds is a great way to watch a new beginning take root, literally. You can prepare a seed planting activity with small pots or even empty egg cartons, a little soil and seeds of your choice. This activity (hopefully) carries on throughout the season, as you watch your seeds sprout and become much larger plants.
Boost the Concept: Use this occasion to talk with your kids about what new things you each want to start in your lives this season - kind of like spring resolutions.
03. Egg Balance
Who knew this silly, classic game of carrying an egg on a spoon had a deeper meaning to it? This game is often used in combination with spring activities as the egg represents new life and the egg atop a spoon represents balance. Huh! So, this is a great chance to decorate eggs, break out the spoons and have a little fun.
Boost the Concept: Ask your kids why eggs and spring both represent new life.
04. Picnic of Spring Foods
It's about time. No celebration is complete without food, in my opinion. So let's get excited about all the spring season will yield by tasting it. Have a picnic spread of your favorite foods of spring. It can be indoors or out - last year our spring equinox party started outdoors but moved in only after it started snowing (of course!).
Boost the Concept: Tasting foods you haven't enjoyed since they were last in season? This is a great intro to talk about all the exciting things specific to spring for your family. Make some spring plans!
05. Camp Fire
A good closing to your day, a camp fire celebrates the light that will soon be part of your evenings as daylight extends later and later. Enjoy the fire as fun, with songs and s'mores, and as significant, with saying goodbye to winter and hello to spring.
Boost the Concept: Consider having kids write or draw what they'll miss from winter and what they look forward to in spring. You can talk about each reflection as you throw them into the fire, one by one.
How else are you celebrating spring? We'd love to hear in the comments below.