Last week, we hiked, traversed the creek, climbed trees, and explored some sand. One of the ways we maximize our fun in the forest is to not be afraid. Ticks can seem scary but, armed with a little knowledge, we can play safely and at ease. This article will tell you how to prevent ticks from latching on, as well as what to do if you do find one. If you are a member, click for four recipes for homemade tick repellent! If you're not a member, here's an example of the perks of membership. Consider joining today!
WEATHER: 45 and sunny
LEADERS: Orm - email: Nessarawestchester(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com and Becca - email: Beccawestchester(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com
LOCATION: Kitchawan Preserve - where Pinesbridge Rd intersects Rt 134, in Ossining. Note: Parking is limited. Please be considerate and park as closely together as possible to make room for other cars. Walk into the park about 200 feet down the trail to meet (entrance has a gate across it). We like to play in the creek, so be prepared to get very wet and muddy!
What to bring and what to wear tips!
Other frequently asked questions!
See you in the forest~
~Nessara (Orm) and Becca
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