westchester 2

We found a new trail last week! We thought it lead to private property, but the kids showed us that we were mistaken. They led us to a lovely, sunny field where we picnicked and played in the tall grass. One of my favorite parts of Forest School is that it helps me to breath deeply and trust my child. Our "backyard" is a parking lot, so Forest School has become a key tool in this process, and is helping me learn to extend my trust outside the woods. Read on for more inspiration here: https://forestschoolforall.com/blog/2015/07/21/a-call-to-trust-in-childhood-play/.

WEATHER: 38, partly cloudy, and a bit windy. Bundle up! Come and play in the fresh air, even if just for a short time.

LEADERS: Orm - email: Nessarawestchester(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com and Becca - email: Beccawestchester(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com

LOCATION: Kitchawan Preserve - where Pinesbridge Rd intersects Rt 134, in Ossining. Note: Parking is limited. Please be considerate and park as closely together as possible to make room for other cars. Walk into the park about 200 feet down the trail to meet (entrance has a gate across it). We like to play in the creek, so be prepared to get very wet and muddy!

What to bring and what to wear tips! www.forestschoolforall.com/blog/2015/08/04/outdoor-gear-for-kids/

Other frequently asked questions! https://forestschoolforall.com/faq/

See you in the forest~

~Nessara (Orm) and Becca

Website: www.forestschoolforall.com/westchesterny

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ForestSchoolForAll.NY/