Today is the final day to sign up for our Forest Creators Class! You have two options for class times in Westchester now. Orm and Becca meet on Monday afternoons from 4pm to 6pm, starting June 20th, at Sunny Ridge Preserve. Dana and Kelly meet Tuesday mornings at 10a, in the same location (starting June 21st). If you aren't a member yet, this class is a great reason to join Forest School For All! Members pay $45, non-members pay $60. Go here to register!
WEATHER: high of 65 degrees, with a chance of rain around noon.
LEADERS: Orm - email: Nessarawestchester(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com and Becca - email: Beccawestchester(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com
LOCATION: Kitchawan Preserve - where Pinesbridge Rd intersects Rt 134, in Ossining. Note: Parking is limited. Please be considerate and park as closely together as possible to make room for other cars. Walk into the park about 200 feet down the trail to meet (entrance has a gate across it). We like to play in the creek, so be prepared to get very wet and muddy!
What to bring and what to wear tips!
Other frequently asked questions!
See you in the forest~
~Nessara (Orm) and Becca
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