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Join families exploring the forest in Prince William County, Northern Virginia!

Expect a pace and rhythm of the children that attend, through unstructured, free play. Watch as the benefits, the magic, and fun of playing in the forest unfolds!

WEATHER: high of 93, expect low to mid 80s during our walk.

LEADER: Salla - email: sallanova@forestschoolforall. com

LOCATION: Locust Shade Park in Triangle Virginia. Meet at the third left parking lot, it is the first parking lot with the playground directly in front. Remember we will set off into the forest, the playground is just a well-marked location with restroom.

Come prepared for a "yes" environment: yes to puddles and climbing and exploring.

Feel free to bring a small pail or shovel, binoculars, magnifying glass, or anything to support exploration. Just leave nothing behind.

It is going to be a hot day, come hydrated, bring ice water, snacks are welcome.

There was lots of splashing last time, so a change of clothes may be helpful.

Also, please take a look at these suggested what to bring and what to wear tips!

Other frequently asked questions!

See you in the forest,

Salla Wagner


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