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Last week was hot and humid at Kitchawan! Even the horses were hiding in the shed, so we stopped to say a quick hello and then headed to the creek. We spotted beautiful bright green dragonflies and huge daddy long legs. We learned about poke berry, from which we can make a natural deep purple dye, and we enjoyed the nice smell from spice bush leaves along the trail. The kids started to do more of pretending, using a stick as an umbrella, a firework, a flower, and a magic wand, among other things!

WEATHER: 75 and sunny

LEADERS: Orm - email: Nessarawestchester(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com and Becca - email: Beccawestchester(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com

LOCATION: Kitchawan Preserve - where Pinesbridge Rd intersects Rt 134, in Ossining. Tomorrow is going to be hot, so please come equipped with bug repellent and LOTS of water. We like to play in the creek, so be prepared to get very wet and muddy!

What to bring and what to wear tips!
Other frequently asked questions!

See you in the forest~

~Nessara (Orm) and Becca

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