**IMPORTANT INFO: There are still some branches dangling in the forest, mainly on the smaller trails and in the woods. They are working to remove them. There was some damage to the bridge and a portion of it is taped off.
We will be going tomorrow. We plan to stay on the main trail and explore the areas up there. Please join us and please be vigilant and avoid any taped off areas.
WEATHER: 81 and sunny!
LEADER: Meagan - email: meaganlehigh(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com and Anne - email: annelehigh(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com
LOCATION: 1401 Lehnert Rd, Whitehall, PA
Note: Jordan Creek Parkway - the parking lot near the tennis courts. Meet by the picnic table beyond the parking lot.
What to bring and what to wear tips!
Other frequently asked questions!
See you in the forest
~Anne and Meagan
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