I know I had mentioned last week we may not have forest school, but we will meet! The kids and I have to leave by 12:30, but that still gives plenty of time for fun!

Join families exploring the forest in Orange County, New York!
Expect a pace and rhythm of the children that attend, through unstructured, free play. Watch as the benefits, the magic, and fun of playing in the forest unfolds!  I can see us swimming a lot at the lake - we dress in full swim wear with a change of clothes for the ride home.

WEATHER: High of 88 with possible thunderstorms around 10am. I think we'll just miss it, but as you are packing up to go, it might be raining. Based on the forecast, it looks like a quick rain.

LEADER: Kerri - email: kerri(at)forestschoolforall(dot)com

LOCATION: Lake Skannatati, Harriman State Park,Tuxedo (Southfields), New York

What to bring and what to wear tips!

Other frequently asked questions!

See you in the forest
Website: https://forestschoolforall.com/orangeny/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ForestSchoolForAll.NY/