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Make the Most of Nature Near You

Make the Most of Nature Near You

There is something so powerful about giving children the opportunity to be in nature - to be still, to be active, to be creative, to challenge themselves. The benefits, well, they are seeming endless. But what about those of you … Read...
5 Ways to Keep Summer Alive

5 Ways to Keep Summer Alive

Summer again is flying. It’s almost the end of August, and with that many children will soon be back in school, if not already. While each season brings new elements to explore and new aspects of life to help our … Read...
Free-Range Teenage Outdoor Play

Free-Range Teenage Outdoor Play

We talk a lot about what unstructured outdoor play looks like for young children, the benefits for their growing minds and bodies. Those benefits do not stop after a certain age, though. They change, much like our children, as we … Read...
Outdoor Gear for Kids

Outdoor Gear for Kids

When it's time to go outside adventuring with young children, even as an outdoor playgroup, there are so many gear options to consider bringing with you. In an effort to be minimalists and still have on hand what you need … Read...

My Kid Needs Time to Warm Up – Outdoor Play

I have been inspired by a mom on our Forest Friday Facebook post, where readers can share their recent family outdoor adventures. This mom talked about how fun it was that her son walked across a river, given that … Read...

A Call to Trust in Childhood Play

Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. - Fred Rogers In a world with generally less time for free … Read...

Barefoot Benefits

Hand-in-hand with heading outdoors, is often the consideration of what gear to bring along for the ride. I have a backpack full of what comes with us almost every time. Weather checks help inform if we should bring rain gear, … Read...

Benefits to Risky Play

Being out in nature is beautiful. It is also filled with potential risks. How we approach those risks, though, determine what children get out of the experience. There's been much talk lately about some of these risks as not just … Read...

5 Ways to Approach Nature Like a Child

  There is something beautiful and powerful about watching a child explore a natural setting. Forget about expectation, about having a plan. Kids rarely go outdoors seeking to discover or create or even come away with any feelings those actions … Read...