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12 November, 2018 13:37

Come in layers and join us for some outdoor exploring fun! The weather reports are for overcast with temperatures in the 30s, but the rain should be long gone by the time we venture out! Hope to see you tomorrow!… Read...

5 November, 2018 17:37

Tomorrow "they" are calling for pretty severe weather. Thunderstorms and high winds with the potential of downed trees. Normally rain doesn't stop us, but considering we all have to travel heavy tree lined roads through the mountains to get to … Read...

29 October, 2018 10:38

It is looking like a break in the rain tomorrow with beautiful sunshine and warmer temperatures. If you haven't joined us before, we would love to have you come. We usually adventure in one section of the state park (far … Read...

22 October, 2018 18:01

The fall weather is in full swing, some trees are changing, last week was beautiful with no bugs! Come join us tomorrow for some wonderful time in nature. Hope to see you there!… Read...

8 October, 2018 19:44

After a rough day today, we are really looking forward to connecting with nature, the forest, and our friends tomorrow! "They" are calling for rain, but as you know, "they" always seem to be calling for rain on Tuesdays 🙂 … Read...

24 September, 2018 14:00

We are very excited about tomorrow. The temperature is expected to be in the 70s and there may be rain, but the thunderstorms aren't expected until after we will be done our adventures. Hope to see you tomorrow! If you … Read...

17 September, 2018 13:32

I hate to do this, but with the weather reports and the local flooding we have been experiencing and expect again tomorrow morning due to TS Florence, we are not going to be at the park tomorrow. Rain doesn't bother … Read...

10 September, 2018 14:11

We have had a lot of rain in the last few days, so I took a trip to check out our usual meeting location and it's completely flooded. The creek has breached the bank and it's a safety risk for … Read...

3 September, 2018 17:00

It's looking like a beautiful day for exploring tomorrow! Even though the temperatures are higher, the cool air that comes off the creek makes it feel so much cooler out. Hope to see you tomorrow!… Read...