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27 August, 2018 14:48

Tomorrow they are calling for sun! It's going to be warmer than usual; around 80 the time we are meeting. We are excited to see everyone tomorrow and do some exploring!… Read...

20 August, 2018 13:54

Last week we had a great time and the rain held off for our exploring time! The children found a live cicada and got to hold it and watch it fly off when it warmed up enough to fly. They … Read...

13 August, 2018 18:08

The forecast is calling for rain, but that's ok because we always have a great time regardless of the weather. Hope to see you in the forest tomorrow morning! If you have any questions please feel free to email me!… Read...

6 August, 2018 14:35

What a great turn out last week! Tomorrow's weather is looking great! Temps in the mid 70s and the rain isn't expected until long after we finish our exploring. The bugs do tend to be pretty bad after rain, so … Read...

30 July, 2018 08:10

Tomorrow they are once again calling for thunderstorms for our forest exploring, but it looks like a low enough chance that we might be good! We will be there, extra outfits and towels in tow, to have a great morning … Read...

23 July, 2018 20:02

Due to area flooding and a high percentage chance of thunderstorms, we won't be at the park tomorrow. We went last Tuesday with thunderstorms and we did have a good time, but the flooding is pretty bad in the area … Read...

16 July, 2018 13:34

Tomorrow there is a 55% chance of thunderstorms with temps in the upper 70s. So far we have been lucky and the storms have waited for us to finish our exploring before they start, so I'm hopeful we will be … Read...

10 July, 2018 06:52

The weather is beautiful! Come join us this morning for some forest and creek exploring! The creek was almost clear last week and we were able to put our feet in, so bring a towel and water shoes if you … Read...

3 July, 2018 05:48

It's hot and humid this morning, but Trough Creek has beautiful shade and a creek for dipping feet into, so come with towels and plenty of water and we will enjoy the beauty of the forest!… Read...

25 June, 2018 18:54

It is looking like a beautiful morning tomorrow for some forest exploring! It will be in the mid to upper 60s and partly cloudy (according to the weather people). I won't be there for medical reasons, but my Hubby and … Read...