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Forest School Friday!

Weather in the forest today: low 50s and partly cloudy, turning into sunny. Should be beautiful for forest exploration! Don't forget, we are at our Elk Pen location in Southfields, NY. See you there!… Read...

Forest Friday!

We are out in the woods today, back on our Appalachian Trail location in Harriman! It is cool and cloudy and the ground is damp, which makes it more likely for the kids to find frogs, toads, snakes and salamanders … Read...

Forest School Forest!

Weather for tomorrow's forest school: Mostly sunny, 85 degrees. Great weather for exploring so please come and join us at 10:30! - Robyn… Read...

Forest School Friday!

Join us tomorrow at 10:30a in Harriman State park! Weather for 10:30: Partly cloudy and 75. Possibly wet due to showers in the early morning. Thunderstorms in the late afternoon. Long pants and light colors are recommended for ticks, and … Read...

Forest School Friday!

Forest School Friday, 10:30a, Harriman State Park High 50s and cloudy Rain or muck boots and waterproof pants can help kiddos stay warm, dry and keep on playing!… Read...